Saturday, April 15, 2006

Seder Day Night Live

Comments overheard at a seder hosted by one Jewish 1L and her Jewish, non-law-student (NLS) friend for eight non-Jewish 1L's

1L#1: I love the "sour cream" you sang in the last song.
1L#2: Yeah, that's something we used to do at camp.
1L#3: guys have camps?
1L#2: Yeah, but they're not concentration camps, though.

NLS: Could you pass the water?
1L#4: It's empty.
1L#5: [1L #4] just finished it.
1L#2: yelling from the kitchen: Whoever kills it, fills it!
1L#5: That's what we used to say at necrophilia camp.

As 1L#2 and NLS watch the other eight guests run frantically around the apartment, searching for the Afikoman

1L#5: I think Afikoman is Hebrew for "laugh at the Gentiles."

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